Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 26, 2009

Here we grow!!

Sweet little guy!
the fam

George and Kate

a close up

Bailey's aunts Mary Ellen and Caroline with George, Bailey, and me

Susie is sulking here because the attention is all on the baby.

I took this picture because I just love mini khaki pants!! :)

After much screaming...we have a clean baby.
poor guy
At this point, we don't really love the bath so much (as you can see).

Today we took George for his two week checkup, and Bailey and I were shocked at how much he has grown! When he was born he weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19 inches long. Today...only two weeks and a few days later, he weighs 8 lbs. 10 oz. and is 22 and 1/4 inches long. I knew those clothes were starting to fit better and that he was getting a double chin, but I couldn't believe he'd grown that much. As a new parent, I find myself always seoncd guessing myself about everything I do with him. It is so reassuring to know that even though I am unsure a lot of the time, I must be doing something right since he got a good report and has grown so much. We have to get our first round of shots next time, so I am sure that will be a whole different experience.
We had a busy weekend. The Menetre side of the family came all the way from Atlanta to see little George. Bailey's father, George Edgar Menetre III, died when Bailey was ten in a plane crash, and these are his siblings that came to see us. George is named after Bailey's dad. It was great to see Caroline and Mary Ellen, and we are so grateful for the time we got to spend with them because we don't get to see them very often. Kate Jameson and Tres Anderson also came over to visit George this weekend. It was so sweet of them to come by and see us.

George continues to look different all the time, so I am posting some new pictures of him from this past week and weekend.


  1. I am starting to see some Bailey in him now! He has grown so much!!

  2. Sam is 8 months old, and I still second guess everything. My mom now knows that if I call early or late, it means I have a baby question. You're doing great, and you look awesome!
