Dear George, Thank you for making this the very best year of our lives. We now can't imagine life without you. You make us smile every day! Love, Mommy and Daddy
Yummy cake and cookies!!
George with his new birthday chair and his cousin Carter.
Maggie, Ivy Kate, and Sarah playing with George at the birthday party.
Opening all the presents.
One sweet little candle. For one sweet little boy.
George's smash cake.
"Happy Birthday to You!"
Time for the sugar rush.
He loved the icing.

We had such a great day celebrating George's first birthday. We actually had his birthday party on his birthday. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by and how George went from a tiny little infant to this busy little toddler in the blink of an eye. We are so very blessed for every day we have spent with this little man. He melts are hearts every single day!