Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pox, Pumpkin, and Precious!!!

George got chickenpox the weekend of MSU homecoming. We had a very light case, so we were very lucky. He had no fever and no itching that we noticed. He was a little fussy, and as you can see in the above and below pictures, a little more tired than usual. I fed him and left the room to go get a wipe to wipe off his face, and when I came back, this is what I found. He has never fallen asleep in his high chair, so I knew he wasn't himself. He still has a few bumps left but has made a full recovery.

Happy Halloween, From George!!
My little pumpkin!!
We took these pictures this weekend at Nonna's house. I can't wait to take George trick or treating Saturday night. More pics to come!!


  1. I am not surprised that George fell asleep while eating. He is definately taking after his father!!

  2. He may be the cutest pumpkin in the world!
