Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Naptime at the Menetre house....

In your dreams, Mom!!
My baby refuses to take long naps!! I try so hard to get him on a napping schedule, but he fights sleep like nothing I have ever seen. He would much rather practice his crawling skills in his crib than actually nap in it.

Thank goodness for the bumper pad....

check out these chunks!!! I love them!!

There isn't much going on with us lately, but I wanted to post some new pictures for my faithful viewers. George weighs 20 plus pounds. His carrier is next to impossible to carry with him inside. I bought a grocery store basket cover the other day, because the carrier days are numbered for this little guy.

He is trying desperately to crawl. He gets so close to getting up on all fours, and then he tumbles. He finds this very frustrating. I am enjoying these last few weeks of him not being exactly mobile. I know that life will really change once that happens.

We are making our way through the baby foods. George is a very good eater...obviously. The only thing we've found that he doesn't like is carrots. He even likes the green beans.

I have one more week before I have to go back to work, so I am looking forward to spending my time with George. Where did the summer go?


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I remember reading that when babies are "learning a new skill" like crawling, walking, etc., that they sometimes don't sleep as well b/c they want to practice. Too funny.

    He's adorable.

  2. Where has the summer gone? I can't believe we report back tomorrow! CRAZY! George is adorable and getting so big! We need to plan another get together soon!!
